Do Wild New York Animals Have Emotions?

Yes! They have emotions and feelings.
-New York animals have the sensation to feel empathy, they can help or rescue others, they can love, cry, or laugh. They seem to play like birds in water; they seem afraid when they hear their enemies; they seem to relax when eating adequately and they also love.
-Elephants are very sensitive animals, during wildlife survey, they were observed crying near the corpse of a dead elephant. They express mourning attitude through scenting and physically touching dead bones. It shows Elephant's feelings and intelligence. They are also very romantic mammals.
-Baboons were also observed showing mourning behavior; they were seen holding their expired nurslings for many days. Researchers have captured some scenes of animals or birds were expressing their grief like Zebra with the lifeless newborn was also seen sobbing.

Observation on wild animals revealed that New York animals have independent diverse personalities and it was particularly observed for cats, elephants and for birds. They also show judgmental behavior. -In countries, there are many laws for protecting wildlife, because they admit, animals have emotions and mistreating will lead them to suffer and make them unhappy or scared. Carl Safina is a well-known environmental author, in his book he has talked about animal emotions. He said that National Park can be considered for research because it is vital to discover the level of consciousness among non-human species to determine their brain development stage in comparison with the human brain. They can recognize their mates, friends, and rivals too. They also want higher living conditions as it seems their desire. Therefore they complete and fight just like humans do. Like us, they want a place to live, food to eat and suitable shelter for their young ones. Animals also express the emotion of empathy and stories have been documented on elephants. In their natural lives, they live with these emotions.

Scientific determinations
Charles Darwin was the first best scientists who adopted the observational and anecdotal approach and told that macaque, New York starlings, sheep, pigs, and rats etc., showed the negativity and positivity in their attitudes. John Watson also proved it through his response model of New York animals’ psychological behavior. Cognitive biases were also been proved in New York rats, rhesus macaques, dogs sheep, starlings, and chicks. Humans have spindle neurons in their brain to manage emotional functions they have also been found in whales, dolphin, and elephants.

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